Register now on Movies and More!

Register now on Movies and More!

Our app is almost ready to be launched in the market!

However, we still need to know if the registration process needs to be improved.
As you have agreed to test our app and become beta testers, we want to ask you to please create an account on Movies and More.
After this registration process, we will ask you some questions to get further feedback and to better understand how you felt about the process.
This will help us a lot to know what we should change (or not).
So thank you very much!

Please share the following information so that we can get to know you better and understand your preferences:

Only the information items marked with an * are mandatory.

Champ requis!
Champ requis!
Please enter a valid username!
Please enter a valid username!
Your e-mail address*
Please enter a valid e-mail address!
Please enter a valid e-mail address!
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Date of Birth
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Your phone number
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Postal address
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What is your empoyment status? Are you currently...
  • - select a option -
  • A homemaker
  • A student
  • Employed for wages
  • Military
  • Out of work
  • Retired
  • Self-employed
  • Unable to work
- select a option -
Champ requis!
Champ requis!
What is your education level?
  • - select a option -
  • Some High School
  • High School
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Master's Degree
  • Ph.D. or higher
  • Trade School
  • Prefer not to say
- select a option -
Champ requis!
Champ requis!
What’s your gender?
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What is your sexual orientation?
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What are your hobbies?
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What type of movies do you like?
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Which media outlets do you use on a daily basis?
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What are your top three favorite movies?
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What is your preferred time for going to the movies?

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  • - select a option -
  • morning
  • afternoon
  • evening
- select a option -
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  • - select a option -
  • morning
  • afternoon
  • evening
- select a option -
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What is your weekly disposable budget for leisure activities?
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Champ requis!
Do you have a study allowance?
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How would you describe your political views?
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Have you ever downloaded movies illegally?
  • - select a option -
  • Yes, very often
  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, but only very rarely
  • No, never
  • Prefer not to say
- select a option -
Champ requis!
Champ requis!
Please enter your credit/debit card number to be stored for future purchases
Please note that without this information, you will not be able to make any reservations or purchases through the app.
Champ requis!
Champ requis!

In order for us to customize our service for you, please let us get to know you better by allowing our app to have access to the following features on your mobile:
To turn the option OFF, click on it.

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Location information

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Contact list

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Public social media profile (Twitter, Facebook. …)

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Files / Storage

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Champ requis!
Please confirm your Prolific ID one more time: